Tuesday 1 November 2011

Stop Female Pattern Baldness In Its Tracks Before It Gets Worse

Although not as common as those with men, there are still some cases in which women would suffer from female pattern baldness. This condition may not be lethal and is not contagious but it can definitely affect many aspects of a woman’s life. The way she carries herself in front of people is also greatly affected once she starts to experience hair thinning and eventual hair loss.

Balding has been attributed to various reasons. Sometimes, it would run in the genes, sometimes it could be because of environmental factors and there would also be times when a person’s lifestyle results to the gradual loss of hair. There is a common factor, though, as to how the process of balding occurs and this all involves the DHT.

The DHT or the dihydrotestosterone hormone can be found in larger quantities in the male scalp as it is also the one that triggers the development of the secondary male sex characteristics. However, this does not dismiss the fact that the DHT hormone could still be found in the female scalp, too. This is the reason why the condition could be rarely found among the female population.

The DHT forms when an enzyme in the body called the 5-alpha reductase mixes with testosterone. This happens continuously but as a person grows older, this newly formed hormones would eventually lose its purpose thus it starts to produce side effects which are evident in the scalp. The hormones start to cling with the androgen receptors of the hair follicles thus affecting the normal growth cycle of the hair.

Putting an End to Female Pattern Baldness
While one may think that female pattern baldness is a hopeless case once it starts to take form, it actually is not. In fact, with the right treatment, baldness may not just be stopped but the devastating changes that it has brought on may even be reversed. If you know have perfectly understood the reason as to why hair thinning and baldness happens, then you would be more likely to prevent it from happening.

A breakthrough product that has been used by many people today to combat female pattern baldness is called Sephren. It is an all-natural formulation which can be considered as a DHT blocker. It is very effective in that it intercepts with the process by which the DHT hormones start to form thus preventing any reason for the normal growth of hair to be affected.

While it may be fortunate that such products exist today, one must still be made aware that not being able to act fast on thinning hair may reduce the likelihood of the changes to be reversed. When neglected for too long, the DHT hormones may become too strong and hold on to the androgen receptors too tight in that it pulls them off, thereby eliminating any chance of new hair to grow again.

So, it would be best that you start acting now and stop the eventual loss of your crowning glory. For more information on female pattern baldness, visit FEMALEPATTERNBALDNESS.ORG.

Author : Eric Ladd